Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124 | 2024.
CAMJS Caribbean Journal of Management Systems
ISSN: 3028-3884 (En línea)
Submission date: 22/02/2024
Acceptance date: 20/04/2024
Angelica Macias Carvajal
, Natalia Lizarazo Hernández
, José Palacio Angulo
Abstract - Fasecolda assures that there are currently 16 companies in the municipality of Santo
Tomas belonging to the agriculture, livestock, hunting, forestry and fishing sector; Similarly,
Fasecolda does not have records of work accidents, work-related illnesses or deaths in the last
five years in the municipality's agro-industrial sector, so we can deduce that there are many
informal workers working in this sector, therefore, since it is not are affiliated with the general
occupational risk system, it is not possible to evidence ATEL reports in the occupational risk
administrators. Therefore, the general objective of this article is to determine the psychosocial
risks in workers in the agroindustrial sector of the municipality of Santo Tomas/Atlántico in the
period 2023, through a quantitative, descriptive approach methodology. cross-sectional design,
field study with primary source, where the Psychosocial Risk Assessment Questionnaire at
Work instrument was applied to a representative sample of 60 informal workers from the
agroindustrial sector of Santo Tomas, Atlántico, and is given as the main conclusion that the
qualification of informal workers in the agroindustrial sector of Santo Tomas, Atlántico in the
dimension Psychological demands, the risk is medium; In the dimension Active work and
possibility of development, the risk is medium; in the dimension Social support in business the
risk is high; in the Company Compensation dimension the risk is medium; and in the Double
presence in company dimension the risk is medium.
Keywords: agrarian economy, job security, work environment, quality of work life, mental
Resumen – Fasecolda, asegura que actualmente se encuentran 16 empresas en el municipio de
Santo Tomas pertenecientes al sector de agricultura, ganadería, caza, silvicultura y pesca; de
igual forma Fasecolda no tiene registros de accidentes de trabajo, enfermedades laborales ni
muertes en los últimos cinco años en el sector agroindustrial del municipio, por lo que podemos
deducir que se encuentran muchos trabajadores informales laborando en este sector, por lo tanto
como no se encuentran afiliados al sistema general de riesgos laborales, no es posible evidenciar
reportes de ATEL en las administradoras de riesgos laborales. Por lo cual el objetivo general de
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, Barranquilla, Colombia.
0004-0612-4538 - G
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, Barranquilla, Colombia.
0006-5792-6877 -
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, Barranquilla, Colombia.
0002-4397-2120 -
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
este artículo es determinar los riesgos psicosociales en los trabajadores del sector agroindustrial
del municipio de Santo Tomas/Atlántico en el periodo 2023, a través de metodología de enfoque
cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo. de diseño trasversal, de estudio de campo con fuente primaria,
donde a una muestra representativa de 60 trabajadores informales del sector agroindustrial de
Santo Tomas, Atlántico, se le aplico el instrumento Cuestionario de Evaluación de Riesgos
Psicosociales en el Trabajo, y se da como principal conclusión que la calificación en los
trabajadores informales del sector agroindustrial de Santo Tomas, Atlántico en la dimensión
Exigencias psicológicas el riesgo es medio; en la dimensión Trabajo activo y posibilidad de
desarrollo el riesgo es medio; en la dimensión Apoyo social en empresa el riesgo es alto; en la
dimensión Compensaciones en empresa el riesgo es medio; y en la dimensión Doble presencia
en empresa el riesgo es medio.
Palabras clave: economía agraria, seguridad en el trabajo, ambiente de trabajo, calidad de la
vida laboral, salud mental.
Resumo A Fasecolda assegura que existem actualmente no concelho de Santo Tomas 16
empresas pertencentes aos sectores da agricultura, pecuária, caça, silvicultura e pesca; Da
mesma forma, a Fasecolda não possui registros de acidentes de trabalho, doenças profissionais
ou óbitos nos últimos cinco anos no setor agroindustrial do município, portanto podemos
deduzir que existem muitos trabalhadores informais trabalhando neste setor, portanto, por ser
não estão vinculados ao sistema geral de riscos ocupacionais, não é possível comprovar
relatórios ATEL nas administradoras de riscos ocupacionais. Portanto, o objetivo geral deste
artigo é determinar os riscos psicossociais em trabalhadores do setor agroindustrial do
município de Santo Tomas/Atlántico no período de 2023, através de uma metodologia de
abordagem quantitativa, descritiva. desenho transversal, estudo de campo com fonte primária,
onde o instrumento Questionário de Avaliação de Risco Psicossocial no Trabalho foi aplicado
a uma amostra representativa de 60 trabalhadores informais do setor agroindustrial de Santo
Tomas, Atlântico, e tem como principal conclusão que a qualificação dos trabalhadores
informais do setor agroindustrial de Santo Tomas, Atlântico na dimensão Demandas
psicológicas, o risco é médio; Na dimensão Trabalho ativo e possibilidade de desenvolvimento
o risco é médio; na dimensão Apoio social nas empresas o risco é elevado; na dimensão
Remuneração da Empresa o risco é médio; e na dimensão Dupla presença na empresa o risco é
Palavras-chave: economia agrária, segurança no trabalho, ambiente de trabalho, qualidade de
vida no trabalho, saúde mental.
In the municipality of Santo Tomás, located in the department of Atlántico, various
agroeconomic activities are developed that contribute significantly to the local economy.
Among these activities that stand out according to the mayor of Santo Tomas (2023) are fish
farming, pig farming and the cultivation of lemons, as well as other fruits. Pisciculture, which
consists of raising fish in ponds or controlled bodies of water, is an important source of income
for the inhabitants of the region. On the other hand, pig farming, dedicated to pig breeding and
production, also plays a fundamental role in generating employment and wealth in the area.
Furthermore, the cultivation of lemons and other fruits, taking advantage of the favorable
climatic conditions of the region, constitutes an important agricultural activity that diversifies
production and promotes local food security. These agroeconomic activities reflect the variety
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
and potential of the agricultural sector in Saint Thomas, contributing to sustainable
development and community well-being. The mayor of Santo Tomas also tells us that a large
part of the agricultural companies are small, since they are made up of less than 49 workers.
According to a Fasecolda report, in 2019 only two registered companies in the agroindustrial
sector were found, and in 2020 only 3 registered companies were found, in 2021 there were 7
companies and in 2022 the increase in registered companies could be observed. which for this
period there are 17, likewise Fasecolda (2023), assures that there are currently 16 companies in
the municipality of Santo Tomas belonging to the agriculture, livestock, hunting, forestry and
fishing sector; and reports that 48 workers in the agroindustrial sector are registered in the
municipality of Santo Tomas, likewise Fasecolda has no records of work accidents,
occupational diseases or deaths in the last five years in the agroindustrial sector of the
municipality of Santo Tomas, for What we can deduce is that there are many informal workers
working in this sector, therefore, as they are not affiliated with the general occupational risk
system, it is not possible to evidence ATEL reports in the occupational risk administrators.
In the context of the department of Atlántico, it is observed that there is no study of the
psychosocial risks of workers in the agroindustrial sector of the municipality of Santo
Tomás/Atlántico, for the period of the year 2023. This causes several causes to arise, among
them What stands out is that the sociodemographic data of the workers in the agroindustrial
sector of the municipality of Santo Tomas/Atlántico in the period 2023 is unknown, which
according to Nucci and Morales (2009) The agroindustry in Colombia is one of the least
explored economic sectors in the country. The available studies usually focus on very general
levels of analysis, which makes it difficult to observe the particular and specific characteristics
of this industry.
Likewise, the problem is caused because the psychosocial risk to workers in the agroindustrial
sector of the municipality of Santo Tomas/Atlántico has not been technically evaluated in the
period 2023; This is perhaps due to ignorance since in 2008, the Ministry of Social Protection
of Colombia issued Resolution 2646, which established the obligations of employers in the
country in relation to the prevention, diagnosis, intervention and control of the factors
psychosocial risk in the work environment (Ministry of Social Protection, 2008). In 2010, in
response to the need to use validated instruments specifically for Colombia, the Ministry
commissioned the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana to create a series of tools that would meet
this purpose (Ministry of Social Protection, 2010). Gómez, V (2016).
Furthermore, the effects of the workers in the agroindustrial sector of the municipality of Santo
Tomas/Atlántico in the period 2023 are unknown and it must be taken into account that
Psychosocial risk factors can be described as the situations to which employees are exposed in
their workplace. workplace and that have the potential to have an adverse impact on your health,
encompassing physical, social and mental aspects. These factors are closely related to the
individual characteristics of the workers and the environment that encompasses the personal,
social and work-related (Polanco, 2017).
If the problem remains, the consequences for the agroindustrial sector of the municipality of
Santo Tomas/Atlántico will increase, which are mentioned below:
Increase in accidents among workers in the agroindustrial sector of the municipality of Santo
Tomas/ Atlántico in the period 2023, according to data provided by the Colombian Safety
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
Council, in 2017, a fairly high accident rate was recorded in the agricultural sector. , reaching
15.89% per 100 workers. This percentage is significantly higher than in any other economic
In addition, there is an increase in absenteeism among workers in the agroindustrial sector of
the municipality of Santo Tomas/Atlántico in the period 2023, taking into account that work
absenteeism is a global phenomenon of great relevance, which represents a serious challenge
with broad implications in the social, economic and human spheres. This phenomenon affects
three fundamental levels: the business, the individual and the social, as Ferro Soto, García
Alonso and Lareo Lodeiro point out in their 2014 study. It is a problem that impacts the entire
society, but its influence is particularly significant in companies, which justifies the need to be
investigated and addressed, especially by organizations, since they are the ones that most
directly experience the consequences of this phenomenon.
Likewise, the proposed analysis contributes to the symptoms in workers in the agroindustrial
sector of the municipality of Santo Tomas/ Atlántico in the period 2023. The Ministry of Social
Protection of Bogotá, in 2010, included in its list of occupational diseases those pathologies
that They can arise as a result of stress in the work environment. In this context, several risk
factors related to stress were identified, including the following aspects: job demands, which
refer to the demands that work imposes on individuals; the level of control over the work, that
is, the capacity that each person has to make decisions related to their work; leadership
dynamics and social relationships in the workplace; and reward, which refers to the
remuneration that workers receive for their contributions and efforts to benefit the growth of
the organization.
Likewise, another consequence of the problem under investigation is the low productivity of
workers in the agroindustrial sector of the municipality of Santo Tomas/ Atlántico in the period
Productivity can be considered as the result of the performance of personnel, who, when found
in an environment that guarantees basic conditions of safety and well-being at work, can deploy
their maximum potential to produce goods and services efficiently. In this sense, any effort
aimed at improving productivity in an organization originates in people, as pointed out by Singh
in 1998 and Cox and Rial-González in 2000. This reinforces the idea that managers must
prioritize attention to human resources as its main objective in an organization.
Demotivation is also shown in workers in the agroindustrial sector of the municipality of Santo
Tomas/ Atlántico in the period 2023, as Giraldo (2005) says. The results of harassment in the
workplace are reflected in unmotivated and dissatisfied employees, who will perceive the work
environment as hostile and associated with suffering, which will inevitably affect their
performance in a negative way. Therefore, the general objective of this article is to determine
the psychosocial risks in workers in the agroindustrial sector of the municipality of Santo
Tomas/Atlántico in the period 2023.
In the context of the growth of the informal economy and the importance of the agroindustrial
sector in the municipality of Santo Tomás, Atlántico, the need arises to understand and address
the psychosocial risks faced by informal workers in this sector. The theoretical study of these
risks is presented as a fundamental component to identify working conditions and their
implications on the mental health and well-being of workers. In this research framework, the
main theories and models related to psychosocial risks in the workplace will be examined, as
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
well as relevant previous studies that address this topic. Furthermore, the importance of this
study in the local context of Santo Tomás, Atlántico, will be highlighted and the foundations
will be established for empirical research that will allow a deeper and more specific
understanding of the psychosocial risks in this particular context.
The research article: Workers' Health is found within the research background. Maracay-
Venezuela (Delgado, L., Silveira, R. & Luna, J., 2016), which constitutes a relevant point in
the research background, since it addresses the participation of the psychologist in the General
System of Occupational Risks, a fundamental aspect in occupational health policy in Colombia.
Given that this participation takes place in diverse environments with specific characteristics,
the need for an appropriate methodological approach to understand the work of these
professionals is recognized. In this sense, it was determined that the analysis of said work, with
the objective of understanding it instead of judging it, required a different approach than
surveys or structured interviews. Instead, it was decided to use conversations that, over several
meetings, allowed the construction of narratives as analysis tools. This approach was
considered more appropriate to capture the complexity of psychologists' experiences and
practices in the workplace, thus allowing a deeper and more contextualized understanding of
their work.
Likewise, as Nora H. Londoño (2010) says in her research article: Psychosocial and
environmental risk factors associated with mental disorders (Colombia). The most common
mental disorders, according to research, are depression and anxiety. Depression affects
approximately 10-25% of women and 5-12% of men, while anxiety affects 3-5% of the general
population throughout life (American Psychiatric Association, 2002) . In Colombia, according
to the National Mental Health Study carried out by Torres and Montoya (1997) with a sample
of 2,100 participants, the prevalence of major depression was reported to be lower, with rates
of 5-9% for women and 2 -3% for men. However, a subsequent study in 2003 revealed that
14.9% of women and 8.6% of men had experienced a depressive episode at some point in their
lives (Ministry of Social Protection, 2003).
Likewise, in their research article "Psychosocial factors at work (demand-control and effort-
reward imbalance), mental health and blood pressure (Colombia)", Gómez and Moreno (2009)
have developed advanced models to understand and anticipate the effects of Psychosocial
Factors-Work (FPS-T) in health. Two of the most prominent models are the "Job Strain" or
Demand-Control (D/C) model proposed by Karasek (1998), and the Effort-Reward Imbalance
(DER) model by Siegrist and Peter (2000). These models are distinguished by their empirical
support. However, it is important to note that most of the research on these models has been
carried out primarily in developed nations, such as the United States and some European
countries. Therefore, there is a pressing need to conduct more representative studies using these
models in the Latin American context, as the amount of research in this region remains limited.
This will allow a more complete and contextualized understanding of the effects of SPF-T on
the mental and physical health of workers in Latin America, specifically including Colombia.
As can be seen in the study Psychosocial risk factors and job satisfaction in seasonal workers
in Chile, published in the journal Panam Salud Pública (2015), the degree of psychosocial risk
was found to be high in two dimensions (presence of double working hours and work activity
with growth opportunities), while it was moderate in the other areas; In contrast, job satisfaction
was high in all dimensions. A negative correlation was observed between the perception of
psychosocial risk factors and job satisfaction in three specific areas: work activity with
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
development opportunities, social support in the work environment and quality of leadership,
as well as compensation (except in the latter, regarding to satisfaction with the physical
environment of the workplace). In conclusion, risks related to the seasonal nature of
employment and the main aspects that workers consider influential in their job satisfaction and,
therefore, in their general well-being were identified.
Likewise, Lina Lumbaque (2021) Bogotá Colombia, in her degree work Risk factors in
workers in the agricultural sector, a bibliographic review mentions that six studies investigated
exposure to psychosocial risk derived from stress, which arises from various factors such as
emotional problems. production due to drought and financial difficulties, psychiatric disorders
attributed to economic worries and feelings of personal failure, as well as a history of low
education and dysfunctional family environments during childhood. Other factors identified
include alcohol consumption, interpersonal conflicts, violence, feelings of hopelessness, lack
of survival resources, and easy access to pesticides as a method of self-harm. In addition, the
perception of work pressure, levels of job satisfaction and the lack of social support in both the
work and family spheres were noted, resulting in significant exposure to this psychosocial risk.
In this sense, Sotomayor (2012) Chile, at the Inter-American meeting at the Ministerial Level
in Health and Agriculture: Agriculture-Health-Environment: joining efforts for the well-being
of the people of the Americas, points out that research on psychosocial aspects is less
outstanding within the agricultural field. However, he highlights the presence of cases of
diagnosed depression and reports of suicide among workers in the agricultural sector, which
could be attributed to interruptions in labor production and the consequent loss of income for
Therefore, as can be seen in the article: The quality of work life in companies in the agricultural
and agroindustrial sector (Restrepo. F and López. A) 2016, Colombia, results of a research
carried out in 12 companies in the agricultural and agroindustrial sector of the city of Medellín:
The quality of work life in Antioquia companies, financed by the University of Antioquia and
the Colombian Association of Labor Relations -Ascort-, shows The most common symptoms
and with the highest scores include "physical fatigue", "mental load", "back pain" and "muscle
tension". On the other hand, the least frequent symptom and with the lowest score is
"mistreatment of colleagues or clients." In addition, the skewness and kurtosis coefficients were
calculated, confirming that, in the case of all the factors analyzed, there is little uniformity and
symmetry, which indicates a departure from the mean and a positive bias towards the highest
As observed in the research article Hernández-Bello, A., Flórez-Flórez, J., and Suárez-Morales,
Z. (2022) Health, work and capital: the case of women workers in the flower agroindustry
Madrid, Colombia, 2019-2020, mention that the health problems that affect women employed
in the Colombian flower agroindustry are persistent and shared together. These problems are a
direct consequence of the working conditions of the sector and the requirements of the
production process. By studying these problems from the perspective of women workers, we
can understand them as lived experiences that reveal the multiple ways in which capital is
accumulated and, at the same time, reflect an ethical-political commitment to the struggles of
women working in the agroindustry of flowers.
Taking into account the SG-SST documentary proposal for a company in the agroindustrial
sector in Villavicencio Colombia (Diana Taborda 2023), in this context, employees express
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
that work stress is triggered by the length of the working day. Following this, task conditions
are identified as another contributing factor, followed by a minimal proportion attributing stress
to organizational management. Finally, some members of the workforce claim not to be
exposed to these types of psychosocial risks.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2016), mental health is influenced by
social, psychological and biological factors. In this sense, continued socioeconomic pressures
represent a risk to mental health at both the individual and community levels. Examples of
indicators of this risk include poverty and low educational attainment. Likewise, the WHO
(2016) establishes a relationship between "poor mental health" and situations such as rapid
social changes, gender discrimination, social exclusion, stressful work environments, violence,
physical health problems and human rights violations.
Materials and methods
This research is framed as a study with a quantitative approach, a transversal design, a
descriptive field study. In this approach, it will be proposed to describe in a detailed and
systematic manner the situation of psychosocial risks faced by workers in the agroindustrial
sector in the Municipality of Santo Tomás, Atlántico, during the period 2023. The main
objective is to document and understand the characteristics, magnitude and nature of the
psychosocial risks present in this group of workers.
Descriptive research will generate a detailed overview of the psychosocial risks experienced by
workers in this specific context. This approach will help identify problem areas, trends and
patterns which, in turn, can serve as a basis for decision-making and the implementation of
intervention strategies aimed at improving the psychosocial health of these workers.
To carry out this type of research, a representative sample of 60 informal workers from the
agroindustrial sector of Santo Tomas, Atlántico , it was appliedthe instrument
"Psychosocial Risk Assessment Questionnaire at Work." The instrument consists of a series of
structured questions that address various dimensions related to psychosocial risks, such as work
stress, workload, quality of work relationships, social support and other relevant factors.
The questionnaire was designed considering the specialized literature on psychosocial risks in
the work environment and was validated to ensure its reliability and validity. The measurement
scale used in the questionnaire allows participants to provide answers that reflect their
perception of the psychosocial risk situation in their work environment. to a representative
sample of workers in the agroindustrial sector. This survey includes questions related to various
dimensions of psychosocial risks, such as work stress, workload, social support, among others.
Through descriptive statistical analysis, such as frequency analysis and measures of central
tendency, we will seek to summarize and present the data in a concise and clear manner.
Results and discussion
Once the research instrument is applied, we obtain the following results:
Table 1. Psychological demands. Can you do your work calmly and keep it up to date?
Psychological Demands
only ever
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
Can you do your work calmly and keep it up to
Fountain:own (2024)
41% of workers stated that they can do their work calmly and keep it up to date "Many times",
while 20% indicated that they do it "Always". In addition, 17% responded that they achieve it
"Sometimes", another 17% mentioned doing it "Only sometimes", and 5% admitted not being
able to do it "Never". The survey results suggest that while most workers can do their jobs
comfortably and keep up to date to some extent, there are still areas for improvement that need
to be addressed to mitigate psychosocial risk in the workplace.
According to the survey conducted, 51% of workers indicated that they have to face difficult
decisions at work "Sometimes." Furthermore, 25% stated that they never face these types of
decisions, while 22% indicated that they do so "Many times." Only 2% mentioned doing it
"Only sometimes", and no worker surveyed answered that they always have to make difficult
decisions. The survey results suggest that making difficult decisions is a common part of the
work experience for many workers, and employers must be attentive to their employees' needs
and concerns in this regard to adequately manage psychosocial risk. Which can be represented
in the following figure 1:
Figure 1. Psychological demands. In your job, do you have to make difficult decisions?
52% of workers indicated that their work produces emotional exhaustion "Only sometimes."
Furthermore, 33% mentioned experiencing it "Sometimes", while 8% admitted feeling it "Many
times 22%
Only some
of the
time 2%
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
times". On the other hand, 5% stated that they never experience this emotional exhaustion, and
only 2% reported feeling it "Always." Survey results indicate that emotional burnout is a
common workplace problem for many employees, and employers should take steps to address
it and promote a healthy and sustainable work environment.
48% of workers admitted to having to keep their emotions to themselves and not express them
in their work "Only sometimes." Additionally, 30% indicated that they do it "Sometimes," while
15% stated that they never have to contain their emotions at work. On the other hand, 5%
mentioned doing it "Many times", and only 2% indicated that they always have to keep their
emotions to themselves. The survey results suggest that a significant proportion of workers face
the need to contain their emotions at work, which may have implications for their emotional
well-being and job performance. Employers should take steps to address this issue and promote
a work environment that encourages authentic and healthy emotional expression.
According to the data collected, it appears that a large portion of workers require constant
attention in their work. Specifically, 37% of respondents stated that their job demands constant
attention "Always," followed by 30% who mentioned it "Sometimes," and 28% who experience
it "Many times." Although only 5% reported it as "Only sometimes", it is relevant to note that
no respondent answered that their job never requires constant attention. The survey results
suggest that the need for constant attention is a common feature in respondents' work
environment, highlighting the importance of addressing this aspect to promote employee well-
being and productivity.
Based on the survey results, it appears that a significant portion of workers have influence over
the amount of work assigned to them in their jobs. Specifically, 43% of respondents indicated
that they have "Many times" influence on the amount of work assigned, followed by 33% who
mentioned having "Sometimes" influence. Additionally, 12% reported having influence
"Always" and another 12% reported it as "Only some of the time." It is notable that no worker
surveyed answered that he never has influence over the amount of work assigned. The survey
results suggest that a significant proportion of workers have influence over the amount of work
assigned, which can have both positive and negative implications for workplace well-being.
Employers should consider these dynamics when designing workplace policies and practices
that promote a healthy and productive work environment. Which can be represented in the
following figure 2:
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
Figure 2. Active Work and Skill Development. Does it influence the amount of work assigned to you?
Based on the information collected, it appears that most workers have the flexibility to
temporarily leave their job to talk to a colleague. Specifically, 51% of respondents mentioned
that they may do it "Many times," suggesting that this practice is common in the workplace.
Additionally, 27% indicated that they do it "Only sometimes," while 20% reported it as
"Sometimes." Although only a small percentage of workers (2%) responded that they never
leave work to chat, it is notable that no respondents stated that they always can do so. The data
suggests that most workers have the flexibility to temporarily leave their work to chat with
colleagues, which may be indicative of a collaborative and communicative work environment.
Table 2. Active Work and Skill Development.Does your job allow you to learn new things?
Active Work and Skill Development
only ever
Does your job allow you to learn new things?
Fountain: own (2024)
46% of respondents stated that their job allows them to learn new things "Many times",
indicating a significant frequency in acquiring additional knowledge and skills in the work
environment. Furthermore, 45% mentioned that they do it "Sometimes", suggesting that the
learning opportunity is present in a considerable proportion of work activities. Although a
smaller percentage of workers (7%) answered that they always learn new things at work, and
only 2% reported it as "Only sometimes", it is notable that no respondent stated that they never
have the opportunity to learn new things. The data suggests that most workers have the
Only some of
the time
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
opportunity to learn new things in their work, which is a positive aspect for their professional
development and job satisfaction.
38% of respondents indicated that they find the tasks they perform important "Many times",
suggesting that they value the relevance of their job responsibilities frequently. Furthermore,
25% stated that they always consider what they do important, reflecting a strong belief in the
importance of their tasks. Although a smaller percentage of workers (20%) mentioned that they
consider it important "Sometimes", and 17% reported it as "Only some of the time", it is relevant
to note that no respondent answered that they never perceive the importance of the tasks they
perform. . The data suggests that most workers perceive the importance of the tasks they
perform in their work, which can have a positive impact on their motivation and work
32% of those surveyed stated that they often feel that their company is of great importance to
them, followed by 17% who indicated that they always feel this way. Additionally, another 17%
mentioned feeling lonely sometimes, while 33% reported it sometimes. Although only a small
percentage (1%) answered that they never feel that their company is important to them, it is
notable that the majority of workers surveyed have some level of connection or appreciation
towards the company they work for. The data suggests that most workers have some level of
connection or appreciation toward the company they work for, which may be an important
factor in their engagement and job satisfaction.
Table 3. Social Support in the Company and Quality of Leadership. Do you know exactly what tasks are your
Social Support in the Company and Quality of
only ever
Do you know exactly what tasks are your
Fountain:own (2024)
44% of respondents indicated that most of the time they know exactly what their job
responsibilities are. Furthermore, 23% stated that they are always clear about this. Although a
smaller percentage of workers (25%) mentioned that they are only certain of their
responsibilities sometimes, and 8% reported it as only a few times, it is notable that no
respondents answered that they never know what their responsibilities are. The data suggests
that most workers have a clear understanding of their job responsibilities more often than not,
which may be an important factor in their productivity and well-being at work.
43% of respondents mentioned that they only find themselves in this situation a few times,
followed by 34% who indicated that this happens sometimes. Furthermore, 18% stated that they
find themselves in this situation most of the time, suggesting a significant frequency of
disagreement with current working methods. Although a smaller percentage of workers (5%)
answered that they never have to do tasks that they believe should be done in another way, it is
relevant to note that no respondent stated that this always happens. The data suggests that there
is a significant proportion of employees who experience discrepancies between their
perceptions of how tasks should be performed and current working methods, which may have
implications for efficiency and job satisfaction..Which can be represented in the following
figure 3:
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
Figure 3. Social Support in the Company and Quality of Leadership. Do you have to do tasks that you think
should be done differently?
20% of respondents indicated that they always receive help and support, while another 25%
mentioned that they receive this assistance most of the time. Additionally, 32% reported that
this happens sometimes, suggesting that help and support is provided with some regularity.
Although a similar percentage of workers (20%) mentioned that they only rarely receive help
and support, and a small percentage (3%) answered that they never receive it, it is notable that
the majority of respondents reported receiving some level of assistance from part of his
superiors. Most workers reported receiving some level of help and support from their superiors,
suggesting that there is a general willingness on the part of line leaders to support their teams.
However, there is still room to improve the consistency and availability of this assistance in
some cases.
40% of respondents indicated that they most often help each other at work, suggesting a
collaborative and supportive work culture. Additionally, 35% mentioned that this happens
sometimes, while 23% stated that they always help each other. Although a small percentage of
workers (2%) answered that they never help each other among colleagues, it is notable that no
respondent reported that this practice occurs only a few times. Data suggests that mutual help
between colleagues is common in the workplace, reflecting a collaborative and supportive work
culture that can have positive effects on the work environment and team productivity.
41% of respondents indicated that most of the time their bosses resolve conflicts well,
suggesting a reasonable degree of competence in this area on the part of line managers.
Additionally, 25% stated that their bosses always resolve conflicts well, reflecting high
Most of the
Only a few
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
confidence in superiors' conflict management skills. Although a smaller percentage of workers
(32%) mentioned that this happens sometimes, and a small percentage (2%) answered that their
bosses never resolve conflicts well, it is notable that no respondents reported that this happens
only a few times. Data suggest that most employees perceive their managers to have adequate
conflict resolution skills, which can contribute to a more positive work environment and
organizational effectiveness. However, there is still room to improve conflict management in
some specific situations. Which can be represented in the following figure 4:
Figure 4. Social Support in the Company and Quality of Leadership. Do your immediate bosses resolve conflicts
41% of respondents indicated that they only experience this worry a few times, followed by
22% who stated that they never feel this way. Furthermore, 20% mentioned that this happens
sometimes, while 17% indicated that most of the time they are worried about this situation.
Although no respondent reported always feeling worried about their job, it is notable that a
significant minority of workers do experience some concern about it. The data suggest that
worry about dismissal or contract non-renewal is a common experience for a significant portion
of workers, although the frequency and intensity of this worry may vary. Employers must
proactively address these concerns to maintain the emotional well-being and productivity of
their workforce.
Table 4. Compensation Dimension. Are you worried about having your tasks changed against your will?
Most of
the time
Only a
few times
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
Compensation Dimension
only ever
Are you worried about having your tasks
changed against your will?
Fountain:own (2024)
37% of respondents indicated that they never feel worried about this possibility, followed by
35% who mentioned that they only rarely experience this worry. Furthermore, 18% indicated
that this happens sometimes, while 10% stated that most of the time they are worried about
being changed tasks. It is notable that no respondent reported always feeling worried about this
aspect. Although most employees are not constantly worried about being changed tasks against
their will, concern about this aspect is common among a significant portion of the workforce.
Employers must proactively address these concerns to maintain the well-being and productivity
of their employees.
43% of respondents indicated that they only sometimes receive appropriate recognition from
their superiors, suggesting a perception of a lack of recognition on certain occasions.
Additionally, 18% noted that they only experience this lack of recognition a few times, while
another 17% mentioned that they feel recognized most of the time. Although a similar
percentage of workers (17%) stated that they always receive the recognition they deserve, and
5% answered that they never receive it, these results suggest that there is room to improve the
perception of recognition from superiors. The data suggests that, while some employees
perceive an adequate level of recognition from their superiors, there is still a considerable
proportion who feel that this recognition is inconsistent or insufficient. Leaders should take
steps to improve the delivery of recognition in the workplace and ensure employees feel valued
and appreciated for their contribution. Which can be represented in the following figure 5:
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
Figure 5. Compensation Dimension. Do my superiors give me the recognition I deserve?
44% of respondents indicated that sometimes household chores are left undone in their absence,
suggesting some irregularity in the performance of these chores when they are not present.
Furthermore, 33% mentioned that this situation occurs only a few times, indicating that on most
occasions housework is carried out despite their absence. It is relevant to note that 23%
answered that they are never left without doing these tasks, which suggests good organization
or cooperation at home to guarantee their completion even in the worker's absence. Although
no respondent stated that this occurs always or most of the time, these results indicate that, in
general, there is some continuity in the completion of household tasks despite the absence of
workers. The data suggest that, in general, there is some continuity in the completion of
household tasks despite the absence of workers, which may indicate good organization and
cooperation in the home. However, there is still a considerable percentage of occasions in which
tasks are left undone, suggesting areas for improvement in the distribution of responsibilities
and household planning.
43% of respondents indicated that they sometimes think about these demands while working,
suggesting that these concerns may arise intermittently during their workday. Additionally,
35% mentioned that they only find themselves thinking about these demands a few times,
indicating that they are mostly able to maintain focus on their work responsibilities. It is relevant
to note that 20% answered that they never think about these demands while they are at work,
Most of
the time
Only a
10 10
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
which suggests an ability to separate work and home concerns. Although a small percentage
(2%) said they always think about these demands, and none mentioned that this happens most
of the time, these results reflect a variety of experiences regarding the ability to concentrate at
work and manage worries. personal. The data suggests that employees have a variety of
experiences in managing domestic and family demands while at work. While most are able to
maintain focus on their work responsibilities, a significant proportion find that these concerns
arise intermittently during the workday. Employers can help mitigate these concerns by creating
a work environment that promotes work-life balance and effective stress management.
Which can be represented in the following figure 6:
Figure 6. Double Presence Dimension. When you are at work, do you think about domestic and family
Likewise, the result of the averaged total of the psychological dimensions ofthe representative
sample of 60 informal workers in the agroindustrial sector of Santo Tomas, Atlántico, in the
following table 5:
Table 5. Psychological dimensions
Active work and possibility of
Social support in
Fountain: own (2024)
Most of the
Only a
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
Taking into account the qualification criteria of the Psychosocial Risk Assessment
Questionnaire at Work, described in table 6:
Table 6. Qualification criteria for the Psychosocial Risk Assessment at Work questionnaire
Psychological dimensions
Psychological demands
From 0 to 8
From 9 to 11
From 12 to 20
Active work and possibility of development
From 0 to 5
From 6 to 8
From 9 to 20
Social support in company
From 0 to 3
From 4 to 6
From 7 to 20
From 0 to 2
From 3 to 5
From 6 to 12
Double presence
From 0 to 1
From 2 to 3
From 4 to 8
Fountain: own (2024)
It is determined that the dimension qualificationPsychological demands the risk is medium in
the representative sample of 60 informal workers in the agroindustrial sector of Santo Tomas,
Likewise, the rating of the dimensionActive work and possibility of development, the risk is
medium in the representative sample of 60 informal workers in the agroindustrial sector of
Santo Tomas, Atlántico.
Furthermore, the dimension ratingSocial support in a company, the risk is high in the
representative sample of 60 informal workers in the agroindustrial sector of Santo Tomas,
Likewise, the rating of the dimensionCompensations in companies, the risk is medium in the
representative sample of 60 informal workers in the agroindustrial sector of Santo Tomas,
Also, the dimension qualificationDouble presence in a company, the risk is medium in the
representative sample of 60 informal workers in the agroindustrial sector of Santo Tomas,
In conclusion, the analysis of the psychosocial dimensions in the agroindustrial sector of the
municipality of Santo Tomás, Atlántico, has shed light on key areas that require attention and
action by employers, authorities and other actors involved in the workplace.
There is clearly a delicate balance between the demands of work and the emotional well-being
of workers, as well as the need for strong social support and fair compensation. However, this
study also offers an invaluable opportunity to implement positive and meaningful changes. By
addressing the psychological demands of work, improving development opportunities, and
fostering a supportive environment and work-life balance, you can build a healthier, more
productive work environment for everyone. It is essential that the results of this analysis be
used as a guide for the implementation of policies and practices that promote the psychosocial
well-being of workers. Only through a continued commitment to these improvements can we
achieve a more prosperous and equitable work future for the agribusiness community in Santo
Tomás, Atlántico.
Risks In Informal Workers In The Agroindustrial Sector In The Municipality Of Santo Tomás (Colombian
Revista Caribeña de Sistemas de Gestión | v.3.n.1 | p.1-19 | e03124| 2024.
Furthermore, it is important to note that psychosocial risk management in the agroindustrial
sector is crucial to promoting a healthy and productive work environment. Employers should
take steps to address the concerns identified in the survey and promote effective strategies to
manage workplace stress, encourage work-life balance, and ensure appropriate recognition and
support at work. This can contribute to improving the emotional well-being and job satisfaction
of workers in the agribusiness sector.
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